Choosing to Become

Melinda Price
2 min readAug 20, 2022

“You deserve to celebrate not only who you’ve become but who you could’ve become and fought not to.”

I scrolled past this quote this morning and it sent my mind whirling. Countless faces of friends in my online and offline worlds inspire me with their resilience, passion, love, and wisdom after having wrestled so many dark nights with pain. They chose resilience, passion, love, and wisdom. They chose this for themselves. They chose this for their families. They chose this for their current story as well as their legacy.

And they didn’t have to.

Photo by Xan Griffin on Unsplash

They could’ve pointed fingers and refused to own their crap.
They could’ve verbally torn down the people around them. Accuse, blame, and shame.

They could’ve adopted attitudes of ‘me against the world’ or ‘you all are this ___ way’. But they didn’t and they don’t. Instead, they live out encouragement through a spirit of ‘we can do this…”

They could’ve minimized the minds, hearts, and souls around them as a response to having been minimized themselves.

They could’ve become bitter, believing that because they experienced pain and injustice that somehow the world owes them the freedom to cut others down and live selfishly.

Now, I’m not saying that the heroes in my circle are flawless but I can say with certainty that they make a conscious effort to fight against the darkness, the doubt, the fear, the ease of attacking others instead of laboring for the hearts of others with sacrificial love.

Our biggest battles happen within ourselves and how we choose to live each day and each moment. We have to fight to become the people God created us to be.

Eph 2:10



Melinda Price

Shenaninganizer. Coach. Connector. Undomesticated Christ-Follower. Trauma Informed (CTSS). Social: @gypsygirlma / Passion Project: